Indicator - Treatment in receipt of health services
Question: Regarding health services, do you or your family receive the same treatment as everyone else in this village?
Indicator - Treatment in receipt of education services - attitude of teachers, treatment of child
Question: - Regarding the education for your child, do your children receive the same treatment as all other children in his/her class?
Indicator - Perception of differences in improvements/satisfaction across health, education and water supply
Question: Have the health services, meaning the treatment of diseases and the education of citizens about good health practices provided by
all health workers combined, in your village tract improved, worsened or stayed the same over the last three years?
Question: Has the primary education in the nearest primary school improved, worsened or stayed the same over the last three years?
Question: Has the provision of clean drinking water improved, worsened, or stayed more or less the same over the last three years?